Summit against Disinformation: The European Internet Services Act will help in the fight against disinformation in Estonia


Estonia hopes that the Telegram platform which is the most aggressive in publishing Kremlin's propaganda will be classified by the European Commission as a large online platform, obliged to control and moderate the distributed content.

The development of social media has made spreading disinformation very easy. Hence, it is important for online platforms to be responsible for the content they distribute.
The European Act on Internet Services, which will apply from February 2024, obliges large online platforms to control content. The European Commission has already listed 17 large platforms, but Telegram, the most aggressive of them, is not on this list. That is why we are addressing our request to the EC to include Telegram among the large platforms" – says Helen Rothla, chairwoman of the Information Society Department at the Estonian Office for Technical Regulations and Consumer Safety.

The Warsaw Summit against Disinformation takes place on October 4-5, 2023 at the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

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  • TVP
  • Polskie Radio
  • PAP