The Kremlin's fake news has lulled the vigilance of the free world for years

Fot. PAP/Teodor Klepczński

"Successive generations of Russians are growing up under the influence of false propaganda, that presents a deceitful picture of the modern world. This Kremlin's propaganda is reminiscent of the darkest Nazi or Soviet times. The Russians, drenched in fear and hatred, have not only invaded my country but are also constantly committing war crimes for which they will have to bear responsibility, explained Olha Herasymiuk, chairwoman of the National Broadcasting Council of Ukraine, during the first edition of the "Stop Disinformation and Russian Propaganda" summit at the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

The expert added that for years, Russia's aggressive policy was met with indifference from the democratic world, which was largely the result of effective propaganda and disinformation activities carried out by the Kremlin.

The summit "Stop Disinformation and Russian Propaganda" is attended by representatives of institutions regulating the media market in seven countries of Central and Eastern Europe – Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, and Hungary. The most important point of the event, organized on the initiative of the National Broadcasting Council, will be the signing of the "Warsaw Declaration on Combating Disinformation", defining the framework for cooperation between signatories in order to limit and disclose Kremlin's propaganda.


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  • TVP
  • Polskie Radio
  • PAP